The proposals comprise 272 no. dwellings, in a sustainable mix of houses and duplex apartments, as well as a crèche, community centre and will form a logical and sustainable extension of the permitted residential development at Bridgegate adjoining to the northwest which is currently under construction by the applicant. The development also includes a public park at Mulladrillen Hill and a linear park and riparian corridor around the Rathgory Tributary, enhancing and contributing positively to the amenity of the settlement of Ardee.

The proposals comprise 272 no. dwellings, in a sustainable mix of houses and duplex apartments, as well as a crèche, community centre and will form a logical and sustainable extension of the permitted residential development at Bridgegate adjoining to the northwest which is currently under construction by the applicant. The development also includes a public park at Mulladrillen Hill and a linear park and riparian corridor around the Rathgory Tributary, enhancing and contributing positively to the amenity of the settlement of Ardee.

The proposals comprise 272 no. dwellings, in a sustainable mix of houses and duplex apartments, as well as a crèche, community centre and will form a logical and sustainable extension of the permitted residential development at Bridgegate adjoining to the northwest which is currently under construction by the applicant. The development also includes a public park at Mulladrillen Hill and a linear park and riparian corridor around the Rathgory Tributary, enhancing and contributing positively to the amenity of the settlement of Ardee.

The proposals comprise 272 no. dwellings, in a sustainable mix of houses and duplex apartments, as well as a crèche, community centre and will form a logical and sustainable extension of the permitted residential development at Bridgegate adjoining to the northwest which is currently under construction by the applicant. The development also includes a public park at Mulladrillen Hill and a linear park and riparian corridor around the Rathgory Tributary, enhancing and contributing positively to the amenity of the settlement of Ardee.